Lots of great themes in here. The drums sound straight from a Pendulum song. The arpeggios are much happier though.
Lots of great themes in here. The drums sound straight from a Pendulum song. The arpeggios are much happier though.
Man of culture
Well done. Would make a good menu theme. Parts remind me of kirby64
Ohh yeah. Super professional sounding. Love the timbres
This is not normally my thing but it's very professional sounding. Super well mastered.
I bet this would sound so much cooler with some sort of maximizing compressor on the master output. With the intro version of ableton live you could use the "Make it Loud" preset on the glue compressor. If you want to get fancy you can try a plugin called izotope maximizer. If you ever switch to fl studio you could use "Soundgoodizer"
I'm personally more content with Ableton since it's easier to use than FL. That is just my opinion and experience. I will keep that in mind. I have made quality edits since I do put my tracks through Serato. I DJ and I want to make sure my tracks are playable. So I just made those edits, so I will just switch out the audio files.
I am pursuing a Master's in Electronic Media. I came here to share my work and hopefully help out with some cool projects! I love to make songs, generative sound design, analog synths, and m4l plugins.
Sound Designer
Central Michigan University
Joined on 7/23/21